Schumann: Works for fortepiano
  • Schumann: Works for fortepiano
    Выпущен: 07 Июня 2011
  • + No. 1. Eintritt (Entering the Forest)
  • + No. 2. Jager auf der Lauer (Hunter on the Look-out)
  • + No. 3. Einsame Blumen (Solitary Flowers)
  • + No. 4. Verrufene Stelle (Haunted Spot)
  • + No. 5. Freundliche Landschaft (Pleasant Scenery)
  • + No. 6. Herberge (At the Inn)
  • + No. 7. Vogel als Prophet (The Songster-Prophet)
  • + No. 8. Jagdlied (Hunting-Song)
  • + No. 9. Abschied (Farewell to the Forest)
  • + No. 1. Von fremden Landern und Menschen (Of Foreign Lands and People)
  • + No. 2. Curiose Geschichte (A Strange Story)
  • + No. 3. Hasche-Mann (Catch-as-catch-can)
  • + No. 4. Bittendes Kind (Pleading Child)
  • + No. 5. Gluckes genug (Happy Enough)
  • + No. 6. Wichtige Begebenheit (An Important Event)
  • + No. 7. Traumerei (Dreaming)
  • + No. 8. Am Camin (By the Fire-side)
  • + No. 9. Ritter vom Steckenpferd (Knight of the Hobby-horse)
  • + No. 10. Fast zu ernst (Almost Too Serious)
  • + No. 11. Furchtenmachen (Frightening)
  • + No. 12. Kind im Einschlummern (Child Falling Asleep)
  • + No. 13. Der Dichter spricht (The Poet Speaks)
  • + Introduzione -
  • + I. —
  • + II. Prestissimo
  • + III. —
  • + IV. Presto
  • + V. —
  • + VI. —
  • + VII. Semplice
  • + VIII. —
  • + IX. Prestissimo
  • + X. Vivo
  • + XI. —
  • + XII. Finale
  • + Arabeske in C Major, Op. 18
  • + Blumenstuck in D-Flat Major, Op. 19
  • + Thema: Andante
  • + Etude 1: Un poco piu vivo
  • + Etude 2: Espressivo
  • + Etude 3: Vivace
  • + Etude 4
  • + Etude 5: Scherzando
  • + Etude 6: Agitato
  • + Etude 7: Allegro molto
  • + Etude 8: Sempre marcatissimo
  • + Etude 9: Presto possibile
  • + Etude 10: Sempre con energia
  • + Etude 11: Con espressione
  • + Etude 12: Finale: Allegro brillante
  • + Anhang Variation 1
  • + Anhang Variation 2
  • + Anhang Variation 3
  • + Anhang Variation 4
  • + Anhang Variation 5
  • + No. 6. Armes Waisenkind (Orphan Child)
  • + No. 8. Wilder Reiter (Wild Horseman)
  • + No. 9. Volksliedchen
  • + No. 10. Frohlicher Landmann, von der Arbeit zuruckkehrend (The Happy Peasant)
  • + No. 12. Knecht Ruprecht (Santa Claus)
  • + No. 13. Mai, lieber Mai, bald bist du wieder da! (May, Sweet May)
  • + No. 14. Kleine Studie (Short Study)
  • + No. 15. Fruhlingsgesang (Song of Spring)
  • + No. 19. Kleine Romanze
  • + No. 21. —
  • + No. 23. Reiterstuck
  • + No. 26. —
  • + No. 28. Erinnerung
  • + No. 29. Fremder Mann
  • + No. 30. —

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