2002-07-30: Teatro Kursaal, San Sebastian, Spain
- + There There
- + Scatterbrain
- + A Wolf At The Door
- + We Suck Young Blood
- + Myxomatosis
- + A Punchup at a Wedding
- + Sit Down, Stand Up
- + I Might Be Wrong
- + Morning Bell
- + Lucky
- + Talk Show Host
- + My Iron Lung
- + Exit Music (For a Film)
- + Dollars & Cents
- + Pyramid Song
- + The National Anthem / Hunting Bears
- + Idioteque
- + Everything In Its Right Place
- + [encore 1]
- + Like Spinning Plates
- + Airbag
- + Climbing Up The Walls
- + Paranoid Android
- + [encore 2]
- + Sail To The Moon
- + How to Disappear Completely
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