Interview CD
Выпущен: 30 Апреля 2003
- + "So, the title. How did it come to be chosen?"
- + "What has been the timetable with this album?"
- + "And what kind of working style did you adopt? Were you working mostly days? Nights?"
- + "Let's talk now about Thom's vocals on this CD..."
- + "And what was the mindset in recording? After all, there's a single release!"
- + "Were there many tracks left over after recording? And can we mention the great song 'Lift', and ask what happened to that?"
- + "Could this album have been made 2 years ago?"
- + "What about touring — has that become enjoyment again?"
- + "Track #1 is called 2+2=5"
- + "Track #2, Sit Down, Stand Up. Where did that come from?"
- + "Track #3 Sail to the Moon, let's talk about your vocals on this album. But first off, it sounds like a sinister nursery rhyme...."
- + "Here's a change (irony!) as a definition of a Radiohead song....Track #4 Backdrifts seems a pretty desolate vision."
- + "Track #5, Go to Sleep"
- + "Track #6. Where I end and You begin next. Great bassline!"
- + "Here's a cheery title for Track #7: We Suck Young Blood. Humour perhaps?"
- + "Track #8 The Gloaming is next. That's the time just before night falls, isn't it? And this sounds to me like the listener is being eaten by a big technological machine...."
- + "Track #9 There There is next; and it's a single, unusual indeed for Radiohead...."
- + "Track #10 is I Will. Something of a curio?"
- + "Track #11 is A Punchup at a Wedding. The title seems to sum up your frustration at the human condition. 'Why does everything have to be like this?'"
- + "Track #12 is Myxomatosis (a disease that infected the rabbit population of Australia, deliberately, in the 1950s.) Do we detect a Tubeway Army sound here?"
- + "Track #13, Scatterbrain is an unsettling sounding track...."
- + "And the final track, Track #14, is A Wolf at the Door. A last chance (on this album, anyway) to put across some Home Truths?"
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