- + Peaches (Intro)
- + Myintrotoletuknow
- + Ain't No Thang
- + Welcome to Atlanta (Interlude)
- + Southernplayalisticaddilacmuzik
- + Call of da Wild
- + Player's Ball (Original)
- + Claimin' True
- + Club Donkey Ass (Interlude)
- + Funky Ride
- + Flim Flam (Interlude)
- + Git Up, Git Out
- + True Dat (Interlude)
- + Crumblin' Erb
- + Hootie Hoo
- + D.E.E.P.
- + Player's Ball (Reprise)
Другие альбомы (43) >>
- Stankonia
- Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
- The Way You Move / Hey Ya!
- Aquemini
- ATLiens
- Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik
- Idlewild
- Big Boi & Dre Present, Outkast
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