Back For Good - The 7th Album
- + You're My Heart, You're My Soul [New Version]
- + Brother Louie [New Version]
- + I Will Follow You [New Hit '98]
- + Cheri Cheri Lady [New Version]
- + You Can Win If You Want [New Version]
- + Don't Play With My Heart [New Hit '98]
- + Atlantis Is Calling [New Version]
- + Geronimo's Cadillac [New Version]
- + Give Me Peace on Earth [New Version]
- + We Take the Chance [New Hit '98]
- + Jet Airliner [New Version]
- + Lady Lai [New Version]
- + Anything Is Possible [New Hit '98]
- + In 100 Years [New Version]
- + Angie's Heart [New Version]
- + You're My Heart, You're My Soul [original no. 1 mix '84]
- + You Can Win If You Want [original no. 1 mix '84]
- + No. 1 Hit Medley: You're My Heart, You're My Soul/You Can Win If You Wa
Другие альбомы (96) >>
The Collection
The Final Album
The Final Album
Ready For Romance
Back for Good
Modern Talking
Let's Talk About Love
The 1st Album
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